Empowering Industries: iPower's Bespoke Generators and Control Panels for Quarry and Material Handling Machinery

In the bustling world of quarrying, recycling, and material handling, reliable power solutions are a necessity to keep operations running smoothly. This is where iPower Ireland Ltd. takes centre stage, delivering bespoke generators and control solutions that seamlessly integrate with mobile machinery and provide a dependable source of power and control. In this blog post, we delve into Power's expertly crafted generators and how they empower industries with efficiency, durability, and unmatched performance.

Customised Power Units for Seamless Integration

iPower's commitment to excellence starts with understanding the specific needs of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) who manufacture machinery in the quarrying, recycling, and material handling sectors. Electric power is gaining popularity in these industries as a replacement for traditional hydraulic power units. It’s easy to understand why, given the low-revving nature of a generator engine (1500 – 1800 rpm), versus the comparable 2200 rpm operation typically found on a traditional hydraulic machine. Additionally, an electric machine can utilise site mains power, often from renewable sources which can offer reduced greenhouse gas emissions, increased efficiency, and reduced engine runtimes. iPower generators are designed to fit perfectly into the parent machine, offering spatial efficiency and sharing the design language of the overall equipment. These industrial-grade power units are engineered for harsh environments, ensuring reliability, high uptime, and easy serviceability.

The Art of Design: Meticulous Engineering

Behind each iPower generator lies a team of talented engineers, working in AutoCAD, Solidworks, and other specialized software environments. Their perfectionistic approach to design ensures that every product is meticulously crafted for maximum functionality and efficiency,packed into a compact package. This hallmark design philosophy sets iPower generators apart, making them perfectly suited for various industries' requirements.

Leading the Charge: Stage V Emission Compliant Generators

As the world focuses on environmental sustainability, iPower has been at the forefront of progress,pioneering Stage V emission compliant generators and power units. Back in 2018,they made history by utilizing a Stage V / Tier 4F Caterpillar C3.6 engine in an electric power unit application, fully designed, engineered, and built in-house by iPower. These low-emission solutions align with the company's vision for a greener future, reducing harmful pollutants and greenhouse gases.

The Full Package: Motor & Machine Controls

iPower don’t just serve Tyrone's engineering hub with generators. They are in the unique position that they also design, build and install the full machine wiring package for industrial equipment. PLC control panels, HMI’s, motor controls, wiring looms, sockets / interconnects and all imaginable component parts of an industrial wiring solution are designed in close liaison with the OEM, ensuring efficient build programmes and unparalleled reliability and uptime. iPower have expert site teams who can install the control panel and full wiring solutions in the OEM’s facility, actively working at facilities in Tyrone,Fermanagh, Armagh and Derry to name but a few active sites for generator and control panel deployment. There is no other company of this kind working in the local industry. Offering expertise in both the power generation and control elements of a build drives mutual efficiency and interoperability of these systems which a customer simply cannot obtain elsewhere.

Delivering Global Solutions with a Local Touch

While iPower's reach extends globally, their roots are firmly planted in Dungannon, Tyrone, Northern Ireland. This local connection reinforces the company's commitment to supporting the community as a responsible and compassionate employer. Their customer-centric approach transcends geographical boundaries, with a highly reactive team ready to provide field support worldwide.


iPower Ireland Ltd. empowers industries with a compelling blend of innovative engineering, sustainable solutions, and customer-centric service. Their bespoke generators, meticulously designed to fit OEM machinery, underscore their dedication to meeting specific customer needs. As they pioneer low-emission technologies and expand their global presence, iPower continues to lead the charge in the electro-technical industry, driving towards a greener, more sustainable future.

Stay tuned for more insightful blog posts, where we'll dive deeper into iPower's creative process, customer-centric approach, and innovative solutions that shape a brighter tomorrow. For all your power generation needs, iPower is the trusted partner you can rely on.